Isuzu Common Problems: A Comprehensive Guide


Isuzu vehicles have gained popularity for their reliability and durability. However, like any other car brand, Isuzu models are not immune to issues and faults. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most common problems that Isuzu owners face, providing valuable insights and solutions to help you make informed decisions about your vehicle.


Isuzu vehicles have gained a reputation for their reliability and performance. However, even with a solid track record, Isuzu owners may encounter certain issues that require attention. In this guide, we will delve into the most common problems faced by Isuzu owners, offering valuable insights and solutions to address these issues effectively.

Transmission Issues

The transmission is a vital component of any vehicle, ensuring smooth gear shifting and optimal performance. Isuzu owners have reported some transmission-related problems that can impact the driving experience. Here are two common transmission issues and their potential solutions.

Low Transmission Fluid

One common problem reported by Isuzu owners is a slipping transmission. This issue is often caused by low transmission fluid levels. To address this problem, check the transmission dipstick according to the instructions in the owner’s manual. Ensure that the fluid level is at the appropriate level. Insufficient fluid can lead to various problems, including slipping gears and uneven shifts. It is also essential to verify the type and grade of fluid used during the last service, as using the wrong fluid can cause similar issues.

If the fluid levels are correct, but the problem persists, it may indicate glitches in the on-board computer that controls the driveline. In such cases, it is recommended to have an electronic scan of the vehicle performed by a professional technician.

Electronic Glitches

Another transmission-related issue reported by Isuzu owners is the automatic transmission changing gears at irregular times. This problem can be attributed to electronic or valve body malfunctions. The valve body, in conjunction with the computer, determines the appropriate gear for the transmission. If there is a faulty electrical connection or a short-circuit, the transmission may select incorrect gears randomly.

To address this issue, it is crucial to avoid driving the vehicle further as it can pose a safety risk. Contact your local Isuzu dealership and have the vehicle’s computer scanned for fault codes. If necessary, escalate the issue to Isuzu’s customer service division to ensure that the problem is resolved promptly. Fortunately, if the vehicle is still under warranty, Isuzu is obligated to address the issue even if the warranty has expired.

Gearbox Problems

Isuzu owners have also reported issues with their vehicle’s gearbox. These problems can affect the overall drivability and performance of the vehicle. Let’s explore two common gearbox problems and their potential solutions.

Misalignment or Damaged Components

Some Isuzu owners have experienced a noise followed by multiple failures of the same component, such as an oil seal. These symptoms could indicate misalignment or damage within the gearbox. The noise may result from a misaligned or damaged bearing or rubbing components. The subsequent failure of the oil seal is often caused by the resulting damage, heat, or friction.

If you encounter these symptoms, it is crucial to contact your local Isuzu dealership immediately. As your vehicle is likely still under warranty, the dealer is obligated to address the issue. The dealer may need to inspect the gearbox thoroughly to identify the cause of the problem and perform any necessary repairs or replacements.

Tailshaft Issues

In some cases, Isuzu owners have reported gearbox problems resulting from a damaged tailshaft. A bent tailshaft can create vibrations, friction, or harmonics that can lead to the failure of the rear gearbox seal. While this may not be the primary cause of gearbox issues, it is essential to consider this possibility if you experience a series of failures in the oil seal.

If you suspect a bent tailshaft, it is advisable to consult with a professional mechanic or contact your local Isuzu dealership. They can assess the situation and determine the necessary repairs or replacements. Remember, if your vehicle is still under warranty, ensure that the dealer acknowledges the problem, as it is their responsibility to fix it.

Oil Leaks

Oil leaks can be a cause for concern among Isuzu owners, as they can indicate potential engine issues or component failures. Here are two common oil leak problems reported by Isuzu owners and their potential solutions.

Rear-Main Seal Leak

Isuzu owners have reported sweating or leaking oil around various engine components, particularly the rear-main seal. While some sweating is normal, excessive leakage can lead to oil loss and potential damage to the engine. If you notice oil drops on the ground, it is crucial to address the issue promptly.

If your vehicle is still under warranty, contact your local Isuzu dealership to report the problem. The rear-main seal replacement is a significant job that requires the removal of the gearbox. While some mechanics may dismiss the issue initially, it is essential to emphasize the problem and ensure that the gasket or seal is replaced to prevent further leaks.

Catch-Can Controversy

Isuzu owners have expressed concerns about oil leaks and rear-main seal failures being attributed to the installation of catch-cans. Catch-cans are aftermarket devices designed to separate oil and other contaminants from the engine’s blow-by gases. While a well-designed and properly installed catch-can should not cause rear-main seal leaks, it is crucial to consider this possibility.

If you have installed a catch-can and suspect it may be causing the issue, consult with a reputable mechanic or contact Isuzu’s customer service division. They can provide guidance on the potential impact of the catch-can and whether it may be contributing to the rear-main seal leak. Additionally, changing to a slightly thicker oil grade may help mitigate the problem, but it is essential to consult with professionals before making any changes.

Electrical and Display Malfunctions

Electrical and display malfunctions can be frustrating for Isuzu owners, as they can disrupt vital functions and features of the vehicle. Here are two common electrical and display problems reported by Isuzu owners and their potential solutions.

Cracking LCD Display

Some Isuzu owners have reported issues with the LCD display on their vehicle’s control unit. These problems can manifest as cracks or crazing on the screen, affecting visibility and functionality. While this may not be a common fault across all Isuzu models, it is essential to address the issue promptly.

If your vehicle is still under warranty, contact your local Isuzu dealership to report the problem. The screen may need to be replaced or repaired by a specialist technician. However, be aware that the replacement process may involve dismantling parts of the dashboard. Proper diagnosis by an authorized service center is crucial to determine the best course of action.

Bluetooth Connectivity Problems

Bluetooth connectivity issues have been reported by Isuzu owners, particularly concerning the pairing of smartphones. Some owners have found that their Isuzu vehicles prefer either Apple or Android devices, leading to inconsistent Bluetooth connectivity. While changing phone brands or installing aftermarket Bluetooth systems may be extreme solutions, there are other steps you can take.

First, contact Isuzu to inquire about any available software updates or reflashes for the vehicle’s head unit. Car manufacturers continually work to improve Bluetooth performance, and a software update may resolve the connectivity issues. Additionally, try pairing a different phone of a different brand to determine if the problem is specific to your phone or a more general compatibility issue.

Turbocharger Failures

Turbochargers play a crucial role in enhancing engine performance and efficiency. However, Isuzu owners have reported failures and related issues with their vehicle’s turbochargers. Here are two common turbocharger problems reported by Isuzu owners and their potential solutions.

Rattling or Siren-like Noises

Isuzu owners have reported rattling or siren-like noises emanating from their turbochargers. These noises may indicate a failing turbocharger, which can result in reduced engine performance and potential damage if not addressed promptly. It is crucial to take action to prevent further complications.

If you suspect a failing turbocharger, it is recommended to consult with a professional mechanic or contact your local Isuzu dealership. They can perform a thorough inspection to identify the cause of the noise and determine the necessary repairs or replacements. As turbocharger failures can be costly, it is essential to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

Prompt Turbocharger Replacement

If it is determined that your Isuzu vehicle’s turbocharger needs replacement, it is crucial to take immediate action. Turbochargers are intricate components, and their failure can have a significant impact on engine performance and efficiency. If your vehicle is still under warranty, contact your local Isuzu dealership to report the problem and seek assistance.

Isuzu is obligated to address turbocharger failures covered by the warranty, even if the warranty has expired. Ensure that the dealership logs the issue as a pre-existing condition to ensure proper coverage. Prompt replacement of the turbocharger will help restore the vehicle’s performance and prevent any additional damage.

Fuel System Faults

The fuel system is a vital component of any vehicle, and any issues can affect fuel efficiency and overall performance. Isuzu owners have reported fuel system faults that require attention. Here are two common fuel system problems reported by Isuzu owners and their potential solutions.

High Fuel Consumption

Isuzu owners have expressed concerns about high fuel consumption rates, particularly when compared to the official fuel efficiency figures. It is essential to note that the official figures are obtained through standardized tests and may not accurately reflect real-world driving conditions.

If you find that your Isuzu vehicle’s fuel consumption is higher than expected, consider various factors that can impact efficiency. Check if your vehicle has any accessories such as roof racks, bull-bars, or additional fuel tanks, as these can increase aerodynamic drag and weight, leading to higher fuel consumption. Additionally, tire choices can also affect fuel efficiency, particularly aggressive tread patterns or larger-than-standard tire sizes.

If none of these factors explain the high fuel consumption, it is advisable to consult with a professional mechanic or contact your local Isuzu dealership. They can inspect the mechanical and fuel systems for any issues that may contribute to increased fuel consumption. Regular maintenance, including air filter checks and replacements, can also help improve fuel efficiency.

Fire Risk due to Fuel Hose Fault

Isuzu has recently issued a recall for certain D-Max utes due to a fuel hose fault that poses a potential fire risk. More than 8,000 units of the dual-cab D-Max are affected by this recall. If you own a 2021-2023 Isuzu D-Max, it is crucial to check if your vehicle is part of the recall.

To ensure your safety and address the issue, contact your local Isuzu dealership or visit Isuzu’s official website for information regarding the recall. Isuzu will provide the necessary repairs or replacements to rectify the fuel hose fault and mitigate the fire risk.

Isuzu Warranty Coverage

Isuzu vehicles typically come with a factory warranty to provide peace of mind to owners. Understanding the warranty coverage and how to leverage it can help protect your interests. Here are some key points to consider regarding Isuzu warranty coverage.

Leveraging Factory Warranty

If your Isuzu vehicle is still under warranty, you have the advantage of having certain issues covered by Isuzu. It is essential to report any problems promptly to your local Isuzu dealership, ensuring that they document the issue. By doing so, even if the warranty expires during the repair process, Isuzu is still obligated to address the problem.

When reporting a problem, provide detailed information about the issue and any relevant observations. This will help the dealership diagnose and address the problem more effectively. Additionally, keep track of all communication and documentation related to the issue to ensure a smooth warranty claim process.

Dealing with Dealerships

When encountering issues with your Isuzu vehicle, your dealership is your primary point of contact. It is crucial to maintain a cooperative and professional relationship with the dealership to ensure a positive resolution. Communicate clearly and provide all necessary information to aid in the diagnosis and repair process.

If you encounter any difficulties or unsatisfactory responses from the dealership, escalate the issue to Isuzu’s customer service division. They can provide guidance and intervene if necessary to ensure that your concerns are addressed appropriately. Remember, Isuzu values customer satisfaction and will strive to resolve any issues promptly and fairly.

Troubleshooting Tips

While it is essential to rely on professionals for complex issues and warranty coverage, there are several troubleshooting tips you can follow to address minor concerns and maintain your Isuzu vehicle’s optimal performance. Here are some helpful tips:

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Following the recommended maintenance schedule outlined in your Isuzu owner’s manual is crucial for preventing and addressing potential problems. Regular oil changes, filter replacements, and scheduled inspections can help identify and resolve issues early on, minimizing the risk of major failures.

Additionally, pay attention to any unusual sounds, smells, or vibrations while driving your Isuzu vehicle. These can be early indicators of potential problems. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact your local Isuzu dealership or consult with a professional mechanic for further guidance.

Consulting Isuzu Customer Service

Isuzu’s customer service division is a valuable resource for addressing concerns and obtaining accurate information. If you have questions or need assistance regarding your Isuzu vehicle, do not hesitate to reach out to Isuzu’s customer service team. They can provide guidance, connect you with the appropriate contacts, and ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

Remember, Isuzu is committed to customer satisfaction and aims to provide reliable support to their vehicle owners. By utilizing the resources available, you can navigate any issues with your Isuzu vehicle more efficiently.

Isuzu Common Problems Q&A

To provide further insights into Isuzu common problems, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Our expert answers will shed light on specific concerns and provide valuable information for Isuzu owners.

  1. Question: Transmission slipping in my 2015 Isuzu MU-X. Answer: This sounds like a case of low transmission fluid. Check the transmission dipstick according to the instructions in the owner’s manual to see if the level is where it should be. Low fluid level can cause all sorts of problems from slipping to uneven shifts. If the fluid checks out, consider other causes such as glitches in the on-board computer. An electronic scan of the vehicle would be the next step.
  2. Question: My 2021 Isuzu MU-X automatic keeps changing gears at strange times. Answer: It sounds like the transmission is confused electronically or has a problem with its valve body. Avoid driving the vehicle further and have it scanned by a dealership to check for any fault codes. Make sure to escalate the issue to Isuzu’s customer service division if necessary.
  3. Question: My 2023 Isuzu D-Max SX is ‘sweating oil’. Answer: A bit of sweating around engine components is normal, but excessive sweating or leaks should be addressed. Report the problem to your local Isuzu dealership, especially if your vehicle is still under warranty. It is crucial to have the rear-main seal inspected and replaced if necessary.
  4. Question: I am having gearbox problems in my 2019 Isuzu D-Max. Answer: Gearbox problems can have various causes, such as misalignment or damaged components. Consult with your Isuzu dealership to have the issue diagnosed and repaired under warranty if applicable.
  5. Question: Cracking on 2019 Isuzu MU-X air conditioning dial LCD display. Answer: Even if this is not a common fault, it is crucial to address the issue promptly. Contact your local Isuzu dealership to report the problem and determine if the control unit or screen needs replacement.
  6. Question: How can I improve Bluetooth functionality in my 2022 Isuzu MU-X Onyx? Answer: Contact Isuzu to inquire about software updates or reflashes for the head unit. Additionally, try pairing a different phone to determine if the problem is specific to your phone or a compatibility issue.

These expert answers aim to provide guidance and solutions to common concerns among Isuzu owners. For more personalized assistance, consult with your local Isuzu dealership or contact Isuzu’s customer service division.


Owning an Isuzu vehicle can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to be aware of potential problems that may arise. By understanding common issues and their solutions, you can take proactive measures to address them promptly. Regular maintenance, effective communication with dealerships, and leveraging Isuzu’s warranty coverage are key to maintaining the optimal performance and longevity of your Isuzu vehicle.

Remember, if you encounter any problems or have concerns about your Isuzu vehicle, consult with professionals, including Isuzu’s customer service team and authorized dealerships. Their expertise and assistance will help ensure that your Isuzu ownership experience remains enjoyable and hassle-free.

About Isuzu

Isuzu is a renowned Japanese automaker known for producing reliable and durable vehicles. With a rich history dating back to 1916, Isuzu has established a strong presence in various automotive markets worldwide. Isuzu vehicles are known for their robust performance, fuel efficiency, and versatility. Isuzu offers a diverse range of vehicles, including pickup trucks, SUVs, and commercial trucks. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Isuzu continues to deliver vehicles that meet the needs and expectations of their customers.


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